Social integration time allows for an intimate moment with a teacher
"The most significant way I can support a child, is to empower him through powerful conversations." Robin Booth, founder of Synergy School.
Hear it from the teachers themsevles and how this training impacted their classroom experience
Watch part 1 HERE
Watch part 2 HERE
A great life is nothing more than a series of great conversations. Business success comes from having thoughtful conversations with our team-mates, consumers and prospects. If we stop engaging in these conversations, we lose the business. Family success comes from having meaningful conversations with our mates and among our children. Lose those conversations and we lose the family. And inner success – success as a human being- involves, in many ways, nothing more than a continual conversation and connection with your self. Lose that conversation and you lose yourself.
If I wish to teach a child how to read and write, I study the methodology that will support me in that teaching. If I wish to teach a child about computers, I need to learn about computers my self. But if a teacher models and supports children in learning about life and what it means to be human, where do they learn this? The irony is that all teachers are already life coaches. But they have had no training and are not really skilled or competent ones.
LIFE COACHING as a part of a teacher's training is probably the most powerful way in which we as educators can empower children and parents. Through these interactions children become clearer on what it is that is important to them and empowered to create the changes necessary to achieve their goals. LIFE COACHING generates shifts in their consciousness such that they are empowered as well as fully present and inspired so that the choices they make lead to powerful changes.
Synergy Schooling is the first school in South Africa where all the staff will be trained as competent and qualified life coaches. There is no doubt in our minds that this is what a really good teacher does with children; supporting them in understanding who they are as individuals in relation to others and empowering them as confident, articulate and passionate people. As a result of this process, Synergy Schooling will be opening up a whole new paradigm of what education can really be like for young children, teachers and parents.
The beginnings of coaching came from the world of sport. No serious sports person would expect to reach top levels without the use of a sports coach. The coach's role is to help unlock the athlete's potential by reinforcing strengths and counteracting any negative beliefs all with the aim of maximising performance. This is why people are turning to Personal Life Coaches to improve and enhance all areas of their life, business or career. Many people are realising how powerful it can be to have a Life Coach to support them in achieving the most out of their lives!
COACHING IS BASED ON A FUNDAMENTAL BELIEF that people have within them all the resources they need to achieve a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.